
Xpanxion employees and 体育菠菜大平台 CSIT学生s

The 网络系统 programs at 体育菠菜大平台 have strong relationships with employers in the Central Nebraska area. 网络系统 partner with businesses in Central Nebraska, such as Buckle Inc. 和Xpanxion, who are almost always hiring and need more IT professionals to meet their business goals. These employers rely on student interns as well as graduates entering the workforce.


网络系统' partner businesses have earned four of the past eight 内布拉斯加大学 Walter Scott Entrepreneurial 业务 Awards, 包括今年的获奖者, 霍尔曼媒体有限责任公司. The Walter Scott Entrepreneurial 业务 Award is designed to encourage existing businesses with a presence in Nebraska to create partnerships and links with the 内布拉斯加大学 in the area of technology. One reason that Hollman Media, LLC received this year’s award is their successful internship program. Ryan Levell, a summer 2012 网络系统 intern, developed a mobile app that was featured in 《最大的菠菜的平台》s. This success was also featured in an Omaha World Herald article, where Hollman Media president Travis Hollman stated, “[Ryan’s story] is reflective of what we originally hoped to accomplish through an intern program with 体育菠菜大平台. I can't say enough great things about the InternNE program as well as the 体育菠菜大平台 faculty. The faculty side of 体育菠菜大平台 has always been extremely supportive of our company and our company's desire to keep its students in the Kearney area through new jobs in technology.”


100% of all dedicated 网络系统 graduates have gained professional employment or graduate school acceptance in their major area of study. Of the graduates in the last several years who were U.S. 公民, 36% decided to stay in the Central Nebraska area, 33% are employed in the Omaha/Lincoln area, and 23% are employed in regional states outside of Nebraska.


The 网络系统 Department keeps a website updated with job announcements for students. These include both local part-time employment and national full-time employment for after graduation. 网络系统 students and alums should contact the Chair of the 网络系统 Department, Dr. 雪莉·哈姆斯,308-865-8370或者 harmssk@courtsidecafe.net 为帮助一个帐户在这个系统. 企业也应该联系Dr. Harms to post a job listing to this site.

体育菠菜大平台 Career Fair/IT Networking Breakfast

网络系统 also provides networking opportunities for students to meet with business professionals and seek internships and full-time employment at two major events each year, 秋季体育菠菜大平台招聘会, held the first week of October and the spring 技术 Networking Breakfast/Career Fair held the third week of February. 通常, there are over 30 businesses at these events to hire 网络系统 students for internships or full-time employment at these events.

体育菠菜大平台 CSIT学生和博士生实习生


实习 are an important part of a student’s college experience and often provide a foot in the door for professional employment. 网络系统 students are able to choose from local internships to internships across the nation.


每年, the 网络系统 Department provides several professional presentations and industry tours for current students. 博士联系. Harms if you are an IT professional interested in presenting to 网络系统 students.


网络系统 business partners who provide scholarships for 网络系统 students include Buckle Inc. 和西北能源公司.


Provides leadership in and promotes the development of the Computer Science (CS) and Information 技术 (IT) programs as it relates to and meets the needs of the students, 体育菠菜大平台与行业.


网络系统 offers online upper-level and graduate-level courses to enable working adults the opportunity to complete their B.S. in Information 技术 or their MSEd in Instructional 技术 with an emphasis in Information 技术.