


Section I.       Introduction and Background

The University of Nebraska at Kearney ("体育菠菜大平台" or the "University") recognizes the importance of providing reasonable accommodations in its housing policies and practices where necessary for individuals with disabilities to use and enjoy University housing. This Policy explains the specific requirements and guidelines which govern requests for reasonable accommodation in University housing.  体育菠菜大平台保留根据情况需要随时修改本政策的权利.

Section II.      要求合理住宿的程序 (不包括根据《体育菠菜大平台》对服务性动物的请求)

The Office of Disability Services for Students ("Disability Services") is responsible for evaluating whether to grant or deny requests for reasonable accommodation in University housing. In evaluating the request, 残疾服务将与住宿生活办公室(“住宿生活”)协商。, the 体育菠菜大平台 ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, and the 体育菠菜大平台 Office of Counseling & 注意,如有必要,以确定所要求的住宿是否必要和合理. Individuals with a disability who reside or intend to reside in University housing who believe they need a reasonable accommodation must contact Disability Services.


  1. Requesting a Housing Accommodation

  •  残疾人士必须填写“残疾人士住宿申请表格(下称“申请表”),要求提供合理的住宿.    申请表格副本可向残疾人士服务处索取.  如个别人士因残疾而需要协助填写申请表, 残障服务将协助填写表格.

  •  体育菠菜大平台将在任何时候接受并考虑在大学住房合理住宿的请求.  The individual making the request for accommodation should complete and provide the Request Form to Disability Services as soon as practicably possible before moving into University housing. However, 如果住宿申请是在个人打算搬进大学宿舍前不到60天提出的, 体育菠菜大平台 cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the individual’s accommodation needs during the first semester or term of occupancy.

  •  如果需要住宿时,个人已经住在大学宿舍, 他/她应尽快联络残疾服务,并填写申请表. 体育菠菜大平台 cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the accommodation needs during the semester or term in which the request is received.

  •  Absent exceptional circumstances, the University will attempt to provide a written response to a reasonable accommodation request within fourteen business days of receiving the information described in paragraph 2 below.

 2. 有关住房的合理要求的信息 Accommodation Requests

Disability Services shall limit its requests for information to only the information necessary to verify whether the individual making the request has a disability and/or to evaluate if the reasonable accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing.

  • Obvious Disability:如果有关人士的残疾情况和提供住宿的必要性是显而易见的(e.g. 使用轮椅的身体残疾人士需要无障碍房间。, 个人只需要解释她所要求的住宿类型. 在这种情况下,不需要核实残疾和/或必要性. 

  • Non-Obvious Disability/Necessity

    •    如果残疾是明显的,但需要住宿不明显, 大学可能会要求申请人填写以下材料 大学宿舍合理住宿证明表格 (“Verification Form”) and designate a reliable third party who can verify that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing, 但可能不会寻求有关个人残疾的信息.

    • 如果残疾和住宿的必要性不明显, Disability Services will require the individual to complete the Verification Form and designate a reliable third party who can verify that  the individual has a disability and that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy university housing.

    • A reliable third party is someone who is familiar with the individual's disability and the necessity for  the  requested accommodation. A reliable third-party includes, but is not limited to, a doctor or other medical professional, a peer support group, or a non-medical service agency (e.g., National Association of the Deaf)

    • Absent exceptional circumstances, 在收到第三方提供的填妥的核实表格后的七(7)个工作天内, the Director of Disability Services, 在与体育菠菜大平台 ADA/第504条合规官协商后, will determine if the accommodation is necessary because of a disability to provide the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing.

    • If the third party returns the Verification Form without sufficient information for Disability Services to determine whether an accommodation is necessary, the Director of Disability Services will inform the individual in writing of the verification’s insufficiency and may request additional information, 包括直接与提供第三方验证的个人交谈, 在收到验证后的七(7)个工作日内.

    • The individual making the request for accommodation must cooperate with Disability Services in a timely manner in providing all information needed to determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary.

3. Determination of Reasonableness

    • 残疾服务可拒绝不合理的住宿要求. 残障服务部门应与住宿部协商,以确定实施所要求的住宿是否合理.

    • An accommodation is unreasonable if it: (1) imposes an undue financial and/or administrative burden; (2) fundamentally alters university housing policies; (3) poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or would cause substantial property damage to the property of others, including University property; and/or (4) is otherwise unreasonable to the operation of the University.

4. Approval of Accommodation

    • 如果残疾服务机构认为所要求的住宿是必要的,并且不是不合理的, it will contact the individual, in writing, 在确定后的七(7)个工作日内, 安排会议讨论住宿的实施情况.

5. Denial of Accommodation/Appeal

    • 如果残疾服务机构认为所要求的住宿是必要的,但不合理的, 残障服务中心将与个人联系, in writing, 在确定后的七(7)个工作日内 and engage in an interactive process with the individual to determine if there are alternative accommodations that might effectively meet the individual’s disability-related needs.

    • If the individual is unwilling to accept any alternative accommodation offered by Disability Services or there are no alternative accommodations available, 残障服务将提供口头解释和书面通知个人的拒绝, the reasons for the denial, the right to appeal the decision, and the procedures for that appeals process. The notification shall be in writing and made within seven (7) business days of the notification from the individual of his/her unwillingness to accept any of the alternative accommodations offered or the determination that there are no alternative accommodations available.

    • 所有申诉均由内布拉斯加大学ADA/第504条合规官审查. If the appeal is denied, the University of Nebraska’s ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer shall provide written notification of the denial to the individual and a written explanation with all of the reasons for the denial.

    • 个人也可以使用大学一般反歧视政策规定的申诉程序. 申诉程序可在以下网站找到 ADA and Section 504 Grievance Procedures .

Confidentiality and Recordkeeping

     处理合理安排的要求, 学校将采取联邦政府要求的所有步骤, state, 和/或当地法律保护与请求有关的任何信息或文件的机密性. Such measures may include limiting access to such information to individuals specifically designated to determine and implement requests for reasonable accommodations, 谁只会在决定是否批准有关要求所需的程度上披露资料, determine if the request is unreasonable, and implement any request granted, 将所有书面请求和随附文件存放在只有指定人员才能进入的安全区域, except as otherwise required by law.

7. Non-retaliation Provisio

     体育菠菜大平台 will not retaliate against any individual because that individual has requested or received a reasonable accommodation in University housing.